Has it ever struck you that you hold myriad certainties about people that, because you’ve never interacted them, can only ever be right by happenstance, and even then only fleetingly? Like the broken clock that’s right twice a day, guessing about strangers will, at best, only embolden to you be incorrect at a later date.
And so I went out on to the streets of London asking people’s thoughts on Black Lives Matter, and here are merely a few snippets.
“I feel sad, and I don’t know when I’ll feel happy – because people go against each other all the time.”
“I feel conflicted because it’s not a simple problem, it’s related to the human condition. We’ve moved away from God, and all that is moral and right, and so it’s going to take a while for us to figure it out, but we have to get God back into the equation.”
“I feel angry, frustrated, upset. It happens every day.”
“I feel, and I’m concerned, about this present situation with George Floyd. Numerous and multiple times this has happened – it’s historic and has been going on for hundreds of years.”